Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
I'm a candidate in Kaipara ki Mahurangi to promote the Green Party and its principles of ecological wisdom, social responsibility, appropriate decision-making, and non-violence. I believe that Green party policies offer the most viable solutions to the climate crisis and ending inequity in Aotearoa.
I am the Information and Sustainability Officer and shareholder in a $40 million turnover media company that employs 160 people. Ensuring the company's security, the well-being of my colleagues and the sustainability of our operations are what I do for a living. Those are the same qualities that should be found in our Members of Parliament.
Not currently in parliament
Business Manager
Leigh, Auckland
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
I'm a candidate in Kaipara ki Mahurangi to promote the Green Party and its principles of ecological wisdom, social responsibility, appropriate decision-making, and non-violence. I believe that Green party policies offer the most viable solutions to the climate crisis and ending inequity in Aotearoa.
I am the Information and Sustainability Officer and shareholder in a $40 million turnover media company that employs 160 people. Ensuring the company's security, the well-being of my colleagues and the sustainability of our operations are what I do for a living. Those are the same qualities that should be found in our Members of Parliament.
Not currently in parliament
Business Manager
Leigh, Auckland
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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