After decades of underspending on transport infrastructure, and with widespread dissatisfaction with the country's urban planning laws, all the parties agree that the way we design our cities and transport systems needs to change. Some say the emphasis should be on making it easier for developers to build, while others say we need a clearer plan for preparing our cities for a changing climate.
After decades of underspending on transport infrastructure, and with widespread dissatisfaction with the country's urban planning laws, all the parties agree that the way we design our cities and transport systems needs to change. Some say the emphasis should be on making it easier for developers to build, while others say we need a clearer plan for preparing our cities for a changing climate.
Retain current public transport discounts
Continue renewable energy funding partnership with BlackRock
Investigate a fast-track process for recognition of Māori landmarks and street names
Support Māori to better access funds to install sustainable infrastructure on marae and papakainga
Upgrade major roads in Northland
Prioritise investment in infrastructure, science and innovation
Build a rapid transit system through west and northwest Auckland
Build a fourth main line in Auckland
Build a rail link between Avondale and Onehunga in Auckland
Upgrade and remove some level crossings in Auckland and Wellington
Extend the Waikato Expressway from Cambridge to Piarere
Upgrade a section of State Highway 29 near Tauranga
Build a second Mount Victoria tunnel in Wellington
Build a mass rapid transit system in Wellington
Make the highway between Napier and Hastings four-lanes
Build a walking and cycling path on Rocks Road in Nelson
Build a road to bypass Hope in Nelson-Tasman
Extend the motorway north of Christchurch to Belfast
Build a second bridge over the Ashburton River
Continue to aim for 100% renewable energy
Continue fund for building and upgrading infrastructure
Support small businesses to make digital upgrades
Continue work on the national infrastructure plan
Continue recent resource management reforms
Continue transformation plan for construction industry
Provide tax rebates for improving energy efficiency in existing houses
Provide rebates for installing rooftop solar and battery storage
Increase funding for community renewable energy projects
Continue programme that installs solar panels on social housing
Rebuild Hawke’s Bay Hospital
Establish a centre to train renewable energy workers
Work with the private sector to expand electric vehicle charging network
Provide grants for low-emissions heavy vehicles for freight
Develop artificial intelligence plan
Decarbonise the public transport network by 2035
Improve the delivery of walking and cycling infrastructure
Electrify the main trunk line between Papakura and Te Rapa
Establish a national infrastructure agency
Negotiate partnership agreements with local and regional governments
Establish a fast-track consent process for infrastructure projects
Introduce a new exemption to RMA processes for large infrastructure projects
Create a 30-year infrastructure plan
Abolish the Auckland regional fuel tax
Abolish the Clean Car Discount
Require councils in major towns and cities to release more land for housing development
Retain rules requiring councils to zone for six storeys close to public transport
Remove some protections for undeveloped land near cities
Standardise infrastructure funding process for councils at their debt limits
Use targeted rates to fund infrastructure for when developing on greenfield land
Fund infrastructure projects using levies on land improved by the project
Ban gang patches in public and on social media
Reform the planning rules for renewable energy generation
Issue a new national policy statement on renewable electricity generation
Introduce a national policy statement on hydrogen
Introduce a national policy statement on electricity distribution
Reform planning rules for electricity distribution and transmission
Reform cost recovery rules for electricity transmission infrastructure
Reverse water infrastructure reforms
Require councils to produce a plan for water infrastructure
Establish a water infrastructure regulator
Narrow the scope of Significant Natural Areas
Allow more activities on highly productive land
Limit the scope of wetlands protections
Build a four-lane highway between Whangārei and the Port Marsden highway turnoff
Build a four-lane expressway between Walkworth and Wellsford in Northland
Extend the Waikato Expressway from Cambridge to Piarere
Upgrade a section of State Highway 29 near Tauranga
Build the East-West Link highway in Auckland
Build a four-lane highway between Manukau and Alfriston in Auckland
Upgrade roads south of Hamilton
Build a four-lane road between Tawa and the Hutt Valley in Wellington
Build a four-lane road between Huapai and Waimauku north of Auckland
Build a four-lane extension to State Highway 2 from Te Puna to Ōmokoroa in the Bay of Plenty
Build a second Mount Victoria tunnel in Wellington
End the Let’s Get Wellington Moving programme
Build a four-lane road to bypass Hope in Nelson-Tasman
Extend the motorway north of Christchurch to Belfast
Make housing growth a priority for transport funding
Use a tender process to fund a rapid transit system through west and northwest Auckland
Extend the Eastern Busway to Botany in Auckland
Build a bus rapid transport route between Auckland Airport and Botany
Continue upgrades to lower North Island passenger rail services
Start building a second or improved bridge over the Ashburton River within three years
Upgrade roads in the Queenstown area
Upgrade road bridges in Otago and Southland
Stop the development of light rail in Auckland
Allow the use of congestion charging in cities
Prioritise road projects in disaster-affected areas
Investigate making the O Mahurangi–Penlink road four-lanes instead of two
Consider using private funding for the development of second crossing over Waitematā Harbour
Maintain the Winter Energy Payment
Ensure that businesses making less than $60,000 are exempt from GST
Require online gambling services to register in NZ for tax purposes
Remove public transport discounts
Reverse resource management reforms
Work with the construction sector to improve access to mental health services
Reform the Building Code to speed up the consent process
Clarify the definition of a minor variation for building consents
Transfer consent processing for buildings over 10 metres tall to dedicated teams
Encourage accredited building organisations to play a greater role in the consenting process
Allow remote inspections for building consents
Expand the types of building and construction workers who can self-certify
Require building compliance certificates to be issued within five working days
Allow building materials approved in equivalent countries to be automatically approved in NZ
Continue to support building and construction apprenticeships
Make it easier for the construction sector to access skilled migrant workers
Support more research on the construction sector
Encourage sustainable and environmentally friendly building standards
Expand building material approval to accredited organisations
Promote competition in the building regulatory system
Review rules for scaffolding
Consider establishing a specialised procurement function in the government
Investigate reducing council liability for building performance
Review the use of phoenix companies in NZ
Increase funding for public electric vehicle charging infrastructure
Remove consenting requirements for electric vehicle charging infrastructure
Set minimum standards for electric vehicle chargers
Require electricity distribution companies to share information with electric vehicle charging providers
Reduce funding for programme encouraging people to use public transport, walk or cycle
Install e-bike charging infrastructure on the NZ Cycle Trail
Remove most consent requirements for building water storage on farmland
Remove most consent requirements for expanding commercial fruit and vegetable production
Remove consent requirements for creating wetlands
Establish a minister for technology
Stop work on the Lake Onslow pumped hydro scheme
Freeze petrol taxes for three years
Reverse the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration
Increase the speed limit on Transmission Gully
Increase the speed limit on the Kāpiti Expressway
Consider increasing the speed limit on the Pūhoi to Walkworth motorway
Reverse speed limit reductions
Reduce the use of traffic management and temporary speed limit restrictions
Speed up consent process for wood processing facilities
Remove consent requirements for new forestry
Require government agencies to share satellite images
Encourage government agencies to use satellite and drone data
Upgrade electricity transmission
Make Northport a key port of entry for Auckland
Stop the development of light rail in Auckland
Build a rail connection to Marsden Point
Build a four-lane highway alternative for the Brynderwyns in Northland
Build a four-lane motorway from Whāngarei to Marsden Point
Build a four-lane highway from Puhoi to Whāngarei
Consider reopening the oil refinery at Marsden Point
Ensure the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter stays open
Abolish the Electricity Authority and establish a Ministry for Energy
Create a fuel security plan
Remove Te Mana o te Wai from freshwater resource consenting
Create a fund for regional infrastructure
Reverse resource management reforms
Increase penalties for drivers who flee Police
Expand access to driving training for secondary school students
Expand access to driving training for prisoners
Increase the production of high-quality off-site manufactured homes
Provide an underwrite to support community housing providers building new rental homes
Ensure climate adaptation planning affirms tino rangatiratanga
Ensure planning frameworks give effect to the need for climate adaption
Ban new extraction of fossil fuels
Install solar panels on public buildings
Reform the electricity market to encourage renewable energy
Use dividends from energy companies to invest in clean energy
Prohibit new fossil fuel gas connections in most cases
Collaborate with industry to replace industrial coal and gas use
Ensure resource management or local government system changes uphold tino rangatiratanga
Provide grants and loans for home energy efficiency improvements
Make clean energy improvements tax deductible for rental properties
Expand programme that installs solar electricity in social housing
Broaden the scope of Warmer Kiwi Homes to include more zero carbon upgrades
Support community energy initiatives
Allow rivers to follow their natural course
Restore waterways and control freshwater pests
Provide training for careers in clean energy
Increase resilience of local telecommunications and transport networks
Expand digital connectivity in rural areas
Provide funding for purhcasing electric buses and improving frequency and reliability
Develop a nationwide rapid rail system for passengers and freight
Increase the accessibility of e-bikes for low-income individuals
Provide free public transport for young people, students, apprentices, low income earners and people with mobility cards
Support the direct provision of public transport by local and regional councils
Ensure schools have walking and biking access
Require transport authorities to consider alternative transport options when undertaking road maintenance
Set waste reduction targets for the building and construction sector
Require councils to restore and expand urban green spaces
Encourage climate resilience in urban planning
Increase funding for walking and cycling infrastructure
Fund the restoration and protection of nature in urban areas
Build light rail in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch
Prioritise cycle and walking infrastructure over roads
Expand energy efficiency scheme for low income households
Provide free public transport to under 30s
Provide a $1500 credit for bikes and e-scooters to under 30s
Introduce a card and app for citizens and residents up to the age of 30
Replace all urban buses with electric buses by 2030
Create a fund for repairing roads and footpaths in Christchurch
Fund car parking improvements at Christchurch Hospital
Support more housing density in central cities and around transport nodes
Create a 30-year infrastructure plan
Reform infrastructure funding system
Reform regulations for artificial intelligence
Provide grants to small businesses for digital upgrades
Review planning systems to ensure they consider climate adapation
Replace all place names with their original Māori names by 2026
Introduce free public transport for all students
Fund Māori owned community energy projects
Develop a national Māori strategy for renewable energy and clean technology
Maintain target of 100% renewable energy by 2030
Phase out industrial coal burning by 2030
Require all new houses to be fully accessible
Reverse speed limit reductions
End the Let's Get Wellington Moving programme
Reverse water infrastructure reforms
Abolish the Clean Car Discount and Clean Car Standard
Share half of GST revenue from new residential building with local councils
Replace the Building Act with compulsory building insurance
Restrict access to the winter energy payment
Reform resource management laws to reduce restrictions on private property
Replace fuel taxes with user-pays road pricing
Create new state owned enterprise to manage state highways
Increase the speed limit on Transmission Gully
Stop the development of light rail in Auckland
Allow more development projects to be fast-tracked through resource consent
Fund conservation initiatives on private land
Introduce a market-based system for managing water pollution
Introduce a pricing system for water allocation
Partially privatise the rail network
Abolish the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
End initiatives to improve industrial energy efficiency
Reverse the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration
Stop the development of the Lake Onslow hydro scheme
Encourage the use of carbon capture technology
Speed up approval for offshore wind projects
Remove Te Mana o te Wai from freshwater resource consenting
Oppose the introduction of a digital currency
Abolish the Auckland regional fuel tax
Require revenue from fuel and road user charges to be reinvested in road infrastructure
Restrict land banking
Reform the Resource Management Act to free up land for housing
Review all current and planned major infrastructure projects
Introduce a a 10-year guarantee on new builds
Allow insured builders and designers to self-approve some work
Re-establish the Marsden Point oil refinery
Retain current public transport discounts
Continue renewable energy funding partnership with BlackRock
Investigate a fast-track process for recognition of Māori landmarks and street names
Support Māori to better access funds to install sustainable infrastructure on marae and papakainga
Upgrade major roads in Northland
Prioritise investment in infrastructure, science and innovation
Build a rapid transit system through west and northwest Auckland
Build a fourth main line in Auckland
Build a rail link between Avondale and Onehunga in Auckland
Upgrade and remove some level crossings in Auckland and Wellington
Extend the Waikato Expressway from Cambridge to Piarere
Upgrade a section of State Highway 29 near Tauranga
Build a second Mount Victoria tunnel in Wellington
Build a mass rapid transit system in Wellington
Make the highway between Napier and Hastings four-lanes
Build a walking and cycling path on Rocks Road in Nelson
Build a road to bypass Hope in Nelson-Tasman
Extend the motorway north of Christchurch to Belfast
Build a second bridge over the Ashburton River
Continue to aim for 100% renewable energy
Continue fund for building and upgrading infrastructure
Support small businesses to make digital upgrades
Continue work on the national infrastructure plan
Continue recent resource management reforms
Continue transformation plan for construction industry
Provide tax rebates for improving energy efficiency in existing houses
Provide rebates for installing rooftop solar and battery storage
Increase funding for community renewable energy projects
Continue programme that installs solar panels on social housing
Rebuild Hawke’s Bay Hospital
Establish a centre to train renewable energy workers
Work with the private sector to expand electric vehicle charging network
Provide grants for low-emissions heavy vehicles for freight
Develop artificial intelligence plan
Decarbonise the public transport network by 2035
Improve the delivery of walking and cycling infrastructure
Electrify the main trunk line between Papakura and Te Rapa
Establish a national infrastructure agency
Negotiate partnership agreements with local and regional governments
Establish a fast-track consent process for infrastructure projects
Introduce a new exemption to RMA processes for large infrastructure projects
Create a 30-year infrastructure plan
Abolish the Auckland regional fuel tax
Abolish the Clean Car Discount
Require councils in major towns and cities to release more land for housing development
Retain rules requiring councils to zone for six storeys close to public transport
Remove some protections for undeveloped land near cities
Standardise infrastructure funding process for councils at their debt limits
Use targeted rates to fund infrastructure for when developing on greenfield land
Fund infrastructure projects using levies on land improved by the project
Ban gang patches in public and on social media
Reform the planning rules for renewable energy generation
Issue a new national policy statement on renewable electricity generation
Introduce a national policy statement on hydrogen
Introduce a national policy statement on electricity distribution
Reform planning rules for electricity distribution and transmission
Reform cost recovery rules for electricity transmission infrastructure
Reverse water infrastructure reforms
Require councils to produce a plan for water infrastructure
Establish a water infrastructure regulator
Narrow the scope of Significant Natural Areas
Allow more activities on highly productive land
Limit the scope of wetlands protections
Build a four-lane highway between Whangārei and the Port Marsden highway turnoff
Build a four-lane expressway between Walkworth and Wellsford in Northland
Extend the Waikato Expressway from Cambridge to Piarere
Upgrade a section of State Highway 29 near Tauranga
Build the East-West Link highway in Auckland
Build a four-lane highway between Manukau and Alfriston in Auckland
Upgrade roads south of Hamilton
Build a four-lane road between Tawa and the Hutt Valley in Wellington
Build a four-lane road between Huapai and Waimauku north of Auckland
Build a four-lane extension to State Highway 2 from Te Puna to Ōmokoroa in the Bay of Plenty
Build a second Mount Victoria tunnel in Wellington
End the Let’s Get Wellington Moving programme
Build a four-lane road to bypass Hope in Nelson-Tasman
Extend the motorway north of Christchurch to Belfast
Make housing growth a priority for transport funding
Use a tender process to fund a rapid transit system through west and northwest Auckland
Extend the Eastern Busway to Botany in Auckland
Build a bus rapid transport route between Auckland Airport and Botany
Continue upgrades to lower North Island passenger rail services
Start building a second or improved bridge over the Ashburton River within three years
Upgrade roads in the Queenstown area
Upgrade road bridges in Otago and Southland
Stop the development of light rail in Auckland
Allow the use of congestion charging in cities
Prioritise road projects in disaster-affected areas
Investigate making the O Mahurangi–Penlink road four-lanes instead of two
Consider using private funding for the development of second crossing over Waitematā Harbour
Maintain the Winter Energy Payment
Ensure that businesses making less than $60,000 are exempt from GST
Require online gambling services to register in NZ for tax purposes
Remove public transport discounts
Reverse resource management reforms
Work with the construction sector to improve access to mental health services
Reform the Building Code to speed up the consent process
Clarify the definition of a minor variation for building consents
Transfer consent processing for buildings over 10 metres tall to dedicated teams
Encourage accredited building organisations to play a greater role in the consenting process
Allow remote inspections for building consents
Expand the types of building and construction workers who can self-certify
Require building compliance certificates to be issued within five working days
Allow building materials approved in equivalent countries to be automatically approved in NZ
Continue to support building and construction apprenticeships
Make it easier for the construction sector to access skilled migrant workers
Support more research on the construction sector
Encourage sustainable and environmentally friendly building standards
Expand building material approval to accredited organisations
Promote competition in the building regulatory system
Review rules for scaffolding
Consider establishing a specialised procurement function in the government
Investigate reducing council liability for building performance
Review the use of phoenix companies in NZ
Increase funding for public electric vehicle charging infrastructure
Remove consenting requirements for electric vehicle charging infrastructure
Set minimum standards for electric vehicle chargers
Require electricity distribution companies to share information with electric vehicle charging providers
Reduce funding for programme encouraging people to use public transport, walk or cycle
Install e-bike charging infrastructure on the NZ Cycle Trail
Remove most consent requirements for building water storage on farmland
Remove most consent requirements for expanding commercial fruit and vegetable production
Remove consent requirements for creating wetlands
Establish a minister for technology
Stop work on the Lake Onslow pumped hydro scheme
Freeze petrol taxes for three years
Reverse the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration
Increase the speed limit on Transmission Gully
Increase the speed limit on the Kāpiti Expressway
Consider increasing the speed limit on the Pūhoi to Walkworth motorway
Reverse speed limit reductions
Reduce the use of traffic management and temporary speed limit restrictions
Speed up consent process for wood processing facilities
Remove consent requirements for new forestry
Require government agencies to share satellite images
Encourage government agencies to use satellite and drone data
Upgrade electricity transmission
Make Northport a key port of entry for Auckland
Stop the development of light rail in Auckland
Build a rail connection to Marsden Point
Build a four-lane highway alternative for the Brynderwyns in Northland
Build a four-lane motorway from Whāngarei to Marsden Point
Build a four-lane highway from Puhoi to Whāngarei
Consider reopening the oil refinery at Marsden Point
Ensure the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter stays open
Abolish the Electricity Authority and establish a Ministry for Energy
Create a fuel security plan
Remove Te Mana o te Wai from freshwater resource consenting
Create a fund for regional infrastructure
Reverse resource management reforms
Increase penalties for drivers who flee Police
Expand access to driving training for secondary school students
Expand access to driving training for prisoners
Increase the production of high-quality off-site manufactured homes
Provide an underwrite to support community housing providers building new rental homes
Ensure climate adaptation planning affirms tino rangatiratanga
Ensure planning frameworks give effect to the need for climate adaption
Ban new extraction of fossil fuels
Install solar panels on public buildings
Reform the electricity market to encourage renewable energy
Use dividends from energy companies to invest in clean energy
Prohibit new fossil fuel gas connections in most cases
Collaborate with industry to replace industrial coal and gas use
Ensure resource management or local government system changes uphold tino rangatiratanga
Provide grants and loans for home energy efficiency improvements
Make clean energy improvements tax deductible for rental properties
Expand programme that installs solar electricity in social housing
Broaden the scope of Warmer Kiwi Homes to include more zero carbon upgrades
Support community energy initiatives
Allow rivers to follow their natural course
Restore waterways and control freshwater pests
Provide training for careers in clean energy
Increase resilience of local telecommunications and transport networks
Expand digital connectivity in rural areas
Provide funding for purhcasing electric buses and improving frequency and reliability
Develop a nationwide rapid rail system for passengers and freight
Increase the accessibility of e-bikes for low-income individuals
Provide free public transport for young people, students, apprentices, low income earners and people with mobility cards
Support the direct provision of public transport by local and regional councils
Ensure schools have walking and biking access
Require transport authorities to consider alternative transport options when undertaking road maintenance
Set waste reduction targets for the building and construction sector
Require councils to restore and expand urban green spaces
Encourage climate resilience in urban planning
Increase funding for walking and cycling infrastructure
Fund the restoration and protection of nature in urban areas
Build light rail in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch
Prioritise cycle and walking infrastructure over roads
Expand energy efficiency scheme for low income households
Provide free public transport to under 30s
Provide a $1500 credit for bikes and e-scooters to under 30s
Introduce a card and app for citizens and residents up to the age of 30
Replace all urban buses with electric buses by 2030
Create a fund for repairing roads and footpaths in Christchurch
Fund car parking improvements at Christchurch Hospital
Support more housing density in central cities and around transport nodes
Create a 30-year infrastructure plan
Reform infrastructure funding system
Reform regulations for artificial intelligence
Provide grants to small businesses for digital upgrades
Review planning systems to ensure they consider climate adapation
Replace all place names with their original Māori names by 2026
Introduce free public transport for all students
Fund Māori owned community energy projects
Develop a national Māori strategy for renewable energy and clean technology
Maintain target of 100% renewable energy by 2030
Phase out industrial coal burning by 2030
Require all new houses to be fully accessible
Reverse speed limit reductions
End the Let's Get Wellington Moving programme
Reverse water infrastructure reforms
Abolish the Clean Car Discount and Clean Car Standard
Share half of GST revenue from new residential building with local councils
Replace the Building Act with compulsory building insurance
Restrict access to the winter energy payment
Reform resource management laws to reduce restrictions on private property
Replace fuel taxes with user-pays road pricing
Create new state owned enterprise to manage state highways
Increase the speed limit on Transmission Gully
Stop the development of light rail in Auckland
Allow more development projects to be fast-tracked through resource consent
Fund conservation initiatives on private land
Introduce a market-based system for managing water pollution
Introduce a pricing system for water allocation
Partially privatise the rail network
Abolish the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
End initiatives to improve industrial energy efficiency
Reverse the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration
Stop the development of the Lake Onslow hydro scheme
Encourage the use of carbon capture technology
Speed up approval for offshore wind projects
Remove Te Mana o te Wai from freshwater resource consenting
Oppose the introduction of a digital currency
Abolish the Auckland regional fuel tax
Require revenue from fuel and road user charges to be reinvested in road infrastructure
Restrict land banking
Reform the Resource Management Act to free up land for housing
Review all current and planned major infrastructure projects
Introduce a a 10-year guarantee on new builds
Allow insured builders and designers to self-approve some work
Re-establish the Marsden Point oil refinery
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