Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
We have an opportunity and a duty to deliver climate justice. There's no great technical barrier to restoring nature and wellbeing for all, only a lack of political will. Human creativity is a limitless resource and now is the moment to use that to our best ability. I bring experience, passion, a sense of purpose and Green science-based policy to ensure our communities can flourish and adapt in our changing climate, and care for Papatūānuku.
I am standing for Taieri because we, like all of Aotearoa, need strong Green Party representation in government. We need real solutions and a government with the courage to cut climate pollution faster, ensure everyone can thrive and restore nature. I will be the voice for my community that I know and love and make sure that we can flourish together. That can't happen without us delivering real solutions for people, planet and well-being.
Not currently in parliament
Project manager and consultant
Not previously in parliament
3rd in Taieri
We have an opportunity and a duty to deliver climate justice. There's no great technical barrier to restoring nature and wellbeing for all, only a lack of political will. Human creativity is a limitless resource and now is the moment to use that to our best ability. I bring experience, passion, a sense of purpose and Green science-based policy to ensure our communities can flourish and adapt in our changing climate, and care for Papatūānuku.
I am standing for Taieri because we, like all of Aotearoa, need strong Green Party representation in government. We need real solutions and a government with the courage to cut climate pollution faster, ensure everyone can thrive and restore nature. I will be the voice for my community that I know and love and make sure that we can flourish together. That can't happen without us delivering real solutions for people, planet and well-being.
Not currently in parliament
Project manager and consultant
Not previously in parliament
3rd in Taieri
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