Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
I know we can make sustainable and practical changes to build a cleaner, fairer future for all of us. I am standing in Te Atatū to support the Green Party to implement solutions to cut pollution faster, restore the health of nature, and provide everyone with the opportunity for a good life.
I care about our people, our communities, and our environment. I have lived in the area for almost twenty years and know the difficulties we face in West Auckland when it comes to climate change, transport, and community connection.
Not currently in parliament
Project manager in publishing
Te Atatu South
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
I know we can make sustainable and practical changes to build a cleaner, fairer future for all of us. I am standing in Te Atatū to support the Green Party to implement solutions to cut pollution faster, restore the health of nature, and provide everyone with the opportunity for a good life.
I care about our people, our communities, and our environment. I have lived in the area for almost twenty years and know the difficulties we face in West Auckland when it comes to climate change, transport, and community connection.
Not currently in parliament
Project manager in publishing
Te Atatu South
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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