Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
As a seasoned politician, who can handle public pressure, I look forward to being part of a team implementing Green Party policies. The multiple urgent crises we face need a joined-up approach. The Greens' "politics of enough" makes sense to me. While there is much good work done by volunteers, activists, and some progressive iwi organisations, councils, and businesses, we need central government to lead more vigorously in equality, biodiversity, climate action, health and education.
I've worked with people with different backgrounds and policies and found common ground. We celebrated city Matariki, Korean and African celebrations; introduced the Living Wage at Council; supported creation of Pukeahu Memorial Park, progressed a network of cycle routes, and recently, co-created a Wairarapa Walking Festival from maunga to marae to seashore. I understand the interface between local and central government. My wide life experience helps me relate to most people.
Not currently in parliament
Mayor of Wellington
West Taratahi
Not previously in parliament
4th in Wairarapa
As a seasoned politician, who can handle public pressure, I look forward to being part of a team implementing Green Party policies. The multiple urgent crises we face need a joined-up approach. The Greens' "politics of enough" makes sense to me. While there is much good work done by volunteers, activists, and some progressive iwi organisations, councils, and businesses, we need central government to lead more vigorously in equality, biodiversity, climate action, health and education.
I've worked with people with different backgrounds and policies and found common ground. We celebrated city Matariki, Korean and African celebrations; introduced the Living Wage at Council; supported creation of Pukeahu Memorial Park, progressed a network of cycle routes, and recently, co-created a Wairarapa Walking Festival from maunga to marae to seashore. I understand the interface between local and central government. My wide life experience helps me relate to most people.
Not currently in parliament
Mayor of Wellington
West Taratahi
Not previously in parliament
4th in Wairarapa
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