Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
I believe Aotearoa needs to take urgent action on climate change and only by having a strong Green voice in parliament will we get it. I want to protect nature and create a future for my grandchildren. I believe we need to create a fairer society through a more equitable sharing of our collective wealth and resources. A country where everyone has access to a warm dry home and enough good food to eat.
Having been born, raised, and still living in the Tasman district I believe I have a good understanding of the issues facing the region. My wife and I have owned our café for the last thirty-two years so I understand the hard work and dedication required to be successful, and what it means to give service. Farming, forestry, and tourism can coexist in a thriving natural environment with the right help and encouragement from the government.
Not currently in parliament
Café owner/imagineer
Tasman Village
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
I believe Aotearoa needs to take urgent action on climate change and only by having a strong Green voice in parliament will we get it. I want to protect nature and create a future for my grandchildren. I believe we need to create a fairer society through a more equitable sharing of our collective wealth and resources. A country where everyone has access to a warm dry home and enough good food to eat.
Having been born, raised, and still living in the Tasman district I believe I have a good understanding of the issues facing the region. My wife and I have owned our café for the last thirty-two years so I understand the hard work and dedication required to be successful, and what it means to give service. Farming, forestry, and tourism can coexist in a thriving natural environment with the right help and encouragement from the government.
Not currently in parliament
Café owner/imagineer
Tasman Village
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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