Whanganui electorate

Whanganui is currently held by Labour's Steph Lewis, who won comfortably with a margin of 8,191. In 2020, Labour won the greatest share of party votes in Whanganui – 51% to National's 26%. The electorate has existed since the third parliament in 1860 and has changed hands more 23 times between members of more than six parties – including New Zealand's eighth prime minister Julius Vogel.

Marion Sanson

Green Party

| Not currently in parliament

Marion Sanson

Green Party

| Not currently in parliament

Why I'm standing

Now is the time to urgently take action on climate pollution, the biodiversity crisis, inequality and poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand. Green Party values are needed in parliament and the party has the policies to help address the issues. I am standing in Whanganui to articulate Green Party policies, ensure the Greens are visible for the party vote and to get more Green MPs in parliament to make the difference.

About me

No response provided

My priorities
  1. Improve availability of affordable, healthy housing; the starting point for addressing poverty.
  2. Raise incomes through advocating for local employers to pay the Living Wage.
  3. Improve public transport services both locally and between Whanganui and other centres in the region.
Candidate list rank


Current role

Not currently in parliament

Before politics

Community lawyer in Whanganui


Otamatea, Whanganui



Year entered parliament

Not previously in parliament

2020 result

Did not stand

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Why I'm standing

Now is the time to urgently take action on climate pollution, the biodiversity crisis, inequality and poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand. Green Party values are needed in parliament and the party has the policies to help address the issues. I am standing in Whanganui to articulate Green Party policies, ensure the Greens are visible for the party vote and to get more Green MPs in parliament to make the difference.

About me

No response provided

My priorities
  1. Improve availability of affordable, healthy housing; the starting point for addressing poverty.
  2. Raise incomes through advocating for local employers to pay the Living Wage.
  3. Improve public transport services both locally and between Whanganui and other centres in the region.
Candidate list rank


Current role

Not currently in parliament

Before politics

Community lawyer in Whanganui


Otamatea, Whanganui



Year entered parliament

Not previously in parliament

2020 result

Did not stand

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