Karl Thomas Geiringer
Christopher Gordon
Animal Justice Party
Michael Appleby
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Meg Lim
Vision NZ
Tamatha Paul
Green Party
Scott Sheeran
National Party
Taylor Arneil
NZ First
Natalia Albert
The Opportunities Party (TOP)
Ibrahim Omer
Labour Party
Pete Bains
Don Franks
Workers Now Party
NZ First
| Not currently in parliament
NZ First
| Not currently in parliament
I am standing for election because I believe that in the last three years NZ First and it's centralist, common sense, balanced policies have been sorely missed and that a lot of issues we are facing today – high Defence Force attrition, high inflation, the parliament occupation – would've been avoided if NZ First was in Cabinet.
I have lived in Wellington since 2016 and I have a wealth of experience in working in central government and for local government. I understand how the system works and I believe that the most important thing in a democracy is to listen to what people are saying and then acting where you can to ensure that policies being enacted are going to help those being affected by the policies the most.
Not currently in parliament
Not previously in parliament
6th in Rongotai
I am standing for election because I believe that in the last three years NZ First and it's centralist, common sense, balanced policies have been sorely missed and that a lot of issues we are facing today – high Defence Force attrition, high inflation, the parliament occupation – would've been avoided if NZ First was in Cabinet.
I have lived in Wellington since 2016 and I have a wealth of experience in working in central government and for local government. I understand how the system works and I believe that the most important thing in a democracy is to listen to what people are saying and then acting where you can to ensure that policies being enacted are going to help those being affected by the policies the most.
Not currently in parliament
Not previously in parliament
6th in Rongotai
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